Social Kemistri - What we do

We bring big insights to big data.

It’s not enough to know what people do. You need to know why.

With that understanding, you can focus on emotions and put people at the centre of everything you do.

We turn anonymous crowds into personae that are vivid, real and relevant. Then we build narratives, interactions and experiences that fit with people’s search for meaning, relevance and identity.

Right now, data is plentiful but insight is in short supply. We use customer personae and psychographic profiles to understand, quantify and classify the relationships between people, brands, products and services.

We can segment your customer set so that you can target content and value to maximise satisfaction, loyalty and sales.

We deliver results for senior decision makers responsible for strategy, innovation, analytics, insight, engagement, product/service
development and sales – as well as those who work in social
and marketing.

We show you the why behind the what.